Folktale Week

A collection of folktale-inspired illustrations for the drawing challenge that took part between the 23. and 29. of November 2020.

Day 1: Birth

Day 1 was inspired by the Russian fairytale ‘The Snow Maiden’.

Day 2: Ritual

Day 2 of the challenge was inspired by the Bulgarian Kukeri.

Day 4: Solstice

And the third illustration I did was inspired by nordic folktales in general and the day of the winter solstice.

I chose to draw colourful frames around every illustration – that were inspired by old Russian art.

I had a lot of fun doing the challenge though I only had time to fit in three illustrations before the folktale week started and then I hurt my right wrist so I couldn’t draw anymore (still can’t). Maybe after it heals I will continue with the other prompts and finish folktale week because I had already searched for so many more cool themes to draw!

Here are some other drawing challenges I took part in: Inktober 2019

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, Inktober 2020, Autumn Week, Bon Voyage Week & Be Kind Month.

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