My Illustration Process
The whole process of drawing an illustration / done with the iPad Pro and Procreate (6B Pencil for Line Art & Color).
Starting with the sketch. The idea I had in mind for this was I wanted to draw a girl crouching down wanting to pet a cat. I wanted to draw a door that would be lighting up the scene and some moths around a lamp. I wanted the bottom to be dark and full of leaves.
Next step: the line art. Here I just go and make the lines more even.
Then I start with coloring the bigger chunks of layers – I usually start with the sky and the ground. I always put these on separate layers because I usually change the colors for them later on.
Another layer for the more prominent parts like the girl, cat and lantern. And another layer for the part on the bottom which I want to be in the shadow later.
Here’s how the color looks before tweaking anything.
Next steps: Tweaking the coloured layers separately. Adding lighting with the Riso brush (TTB Riso Brush Set for Procreate), putting lighting on a layer on top and usually set the opacity to overlay or pin light. I also added a darker lighting on the edges of the illustration to put the focus on the middle. Then I tweak the brightness and contrast in the photo app (the one that comes with the iPad).
Hope you like this illustration! Let me know if you have any questions 🙂
Find more of my recent art on my Instagram.